Exploring Auroville Architecture July 2019
Exploring Auroville Architecture is developed by Auroville Green Practices in cooperation with local experts in order to share our experience in architecture with the world outside. During the 3-day workshop participants will get to experience the various architectural expressions at Auroville and the learning that came during the building process. The gradual development of Auroville created a unique environment. For instance, vernacular habitats that have survived the test of time as a response to site, context and climate as well as contemporary buildings with modern technology, design and services. This combination, together with the diversity of experts makes Auroville’s architecture unique in every aspect. - See more at: http://www.agpworkshops.com/workshop-details?workshop=40&date=3rd+Jul+2019+-+5th+Jul+2019#sthash.F4ABVGtW.dpuf