Pondichéry | Screening of "The Diary of an Old Man"
As part of the International Month of the #Francophonie, the Quebec Government Office in Mumbai organizes, in collaboration with the Alliance Française de Pondichéry, a screening of the Quebec film ''The Diary Of An Old Man | Le journal d'un viel homme". The film will be screened in French with English subtitles.
Nicolas, a famous doctor and scientist, has an incurable disease and knows he is going to die. The only thing that binds him to life is the affection of his adoptive daughter, Katia. Confronted with the great questions of existence through the anguish of Katia, he realizes that he is as helpless as she is in the emptiness of his own life and the imminence of his death.
A film by Bernard Émond
Nicolas, médecin et homme de science célèbre, est atteint d’une maladie incurable et sait qu’il va mourir. La seule chose qui le rattache à la vie est l’affection de sa fille adoptive, Katia. Confronté aux grandes questions de l’existence à travers l’angoisse de Katia, il se rend compte qu’il est aussi démuni qu’elle devant le vide de sa propre vie et l’imminence de sa mort.
Un film de Bernard Émond
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Seating based on a first-come, first serve basis
#MoisDeLaFrancophonie #Mon20Mars