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Pondichéry | Screening of "The Wolves"

Karthikeyan : 23-03-2018 to 23-03-2018 : Alliance française de Pondichéry
: 07:00 pm - 09:00 pm   Rs : ~

As part of the International Month of the #Francophonie, the Quebec Government Office in Mumbai organizes, in collaboration with the Alliance Française de Pondichéry, a screening of the Quebec film ''The Wolves | Les Loups". The film will be screened in French with English subtitles.

Elie, a young Montreal girl who has just undergone an abortion, is looking for her own parent, of whom she only knows the name, the tattoo and the name of a village on the Îles de la Madeleine. She is confronted with the virile world of seal hunters who are under pressure from the presence of environmental activists.

A film by Sophie Deraspe


Élie, une jeune Montréalaise qui vient de subir une IVG, est à la recherche de son propre géniteur dont elle ne connaît que le prénom, le tatouage et le nom d’un village aux Îles de la Madeleine. Elle se confronte à l’univers viril de chasseurs de phoques mis sous tension par la présence d’activistes écologistes.

Un fim de Sophie Deraspe

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Seating based on a first-come, first serve basis
#MoisDeLaFrancophonie #Mon20Mars