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ViktoriyaKoleva : 15-03-2014 to 16-03-2014 : Auroville, Tamil Nadu
: 9am to 5pm   Rs : Rs. 3000
 :  Other

Yoga and art are two disciplines that share a lot of similarities and complement each other in a number of ways. Breathing techniques and physical postures which constitute a part of the ancient system of yoga facilitate a hormonal homeostasis and a balancing of the two hemispheres of the brain that make a perfect preparation for the creative process. Art nourishes that all important and nowadays vastly neglected right side of the human brain which creates the colour in our lives. Through poetry in two languages – the language of yoga and that of fine art we will leave the past and the future behind and learn to immerse ourselves fully in the present moment where pure joy abides… Join us in our Art Retreat facilitated by Tia Pleiman.